Posted in Scrapbook Layouts

Why I scrapbook

Hello Readers…

I believe our scrapbook pages do more than showcase our beloved pictures. They preserve a memory, creating their own place in our life’s history. Let me explain… when my youngest was an infant I received several small journals belonging to my great-grandmother which I read while nursing my son. The entries were fascinating snippets of her everyday life on a rural Tennessee farm. Included was information on the weather, how many eggs collected, what chores she did and how they were done. Noted were letters the postman brought twice each day, and the news they contained. G.G. listed each visitor, how long they stayed, births, marriages, illnesses, deaths. It was a journaled window into her life and times.

Three years later I was introduced to scrapbooking and decided my goal would be to document my own life and times. I’m fairly certain G.G. never thought anyone would read the journal entries she recorded every night, much less find them mesmerizing. So it is with my scrapbooking. I have two boys (formally known in this blog as NOS-Number One Son, and LA-Littlest Angel) who are now 26 and 24 respectively. I have been recording their lives for the last 21 years and rarely, do they pull a scrapbook off the shelf to flip through and travel down memory lane. That fact bothered me until I realized, I’m not scrapbooking for them at all. I scrapbook for me, and perhaps their children, grandchildren, or possibly great-grandchildren. I scrapbook so my own great-granddaughter may someday thrill to gaining a window into the life of a great-grandmother she may have never even met.

I also scrapbook for the creative outlet I discovered made life bearable years ago. Not to mention my girl tribe and support group I have been preserving memories with twice a month since before the millennium.

That’s the WHY…

The next plan is to show the HOW.  To explain some of my thought process, as well as, share some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way and shared with my scrapbooking students.

To Be Continued…


Empty-nest Mom, scrapbook designer, Golden retriever lover and therapy dog handler, what else is there?

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